How to get a job in Australia

How to Get Jobs During a Working Holiday in Australia

Starting a working holiday in Australia is a thrilling experience that provides the ability to see a stunning nation while making money to fund your travels. However, finding a job can be challenging, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the local job market. This guide will help you navigate the process, from obtaining essential certifications like the RSA to utilizing various job search platforms and considering unique opportunities such as becoming an Au Pair. By following these tips, you can enhance your chances of securing employment and making the most of your working holiday experience in Australia.

Get Your RSA Certification

What is RSA?

RSA stands for Responsible Service of Alcohol. It is a mandatory certification for anyone who wants to work in a job that involves selling or serving alcohol in Australia. This certification not only ensures that you understand how to responsibly serve alcohol but also broadens your potential workplaces, such as bars, restaurants, and hotels.

How to Get Your RSA

Obtaining the RSA certificate typically takes just one or two days. The course is engaging and informative, featuring actors demonstrating various scenarios involving alcohol service. An interesting part of the course involves recording yourself handling hypothetical situations, such as politely refusing service: “Sir, I can’t serve you more, your nose is redder than Rudolf”(JK don’t recommend using this phrase)

Important Considerations

Each state in Australia has its own RSA certification. For instance, an RSA obtained in Queensland is not valid in New South Wales and vice versa. Therefore, ensure you get the RSA certification specific to the state you plan to work in.

How to Find a Job


SEEK is a well-known job search platform in Australia, arranging specifically to job seekers and employers. It is highly organized and categorized, making it easier to find jobs that match your skills and experience. In other words, if you have special skills, this platform is ideal for finding a job. However, it can be quite competitive. Be prepared for some rejections, especially for some companies which require permanent residency. Despite this, persistency pays off. Apply to as many relevant jobs as possible to increase your chances.

2. Gumtree

Gumtree is primarily known as a marketplace for second-hand goods, but it also has a section dedicated to job listings. This platform is particularly useful for finding casual or part-time jobs, such as wait staff positions. You can directly chat with potential employers, which adds a personal touch to your job search. For example, you might find a listing for night shift work at Subway or similar establishments.

3. Facebook Pages

Facebook can be a valuable resource for job hunting. Join groups like “Backpackers AU” or region-specific groups (e.g., “Queensland Jobs”) where job postings are frequently updated. You can also post about your job search, highlighting your skills and availability. Always exercise caution; if a job offer seems too good to be true (e.g., high salary for few hours), it might be a scam.

4. Hand in Your Resume Directly

Despite that technology has taken over the world, the traditional method of handing in your resume in person can still be effective. Print out copies of your resume and visit potential workplaces with a friendly, professional demeanor. This was the method that worked for me. As a tip, pinpoint restaurants hiring on Gumtree, then visit them in person to hand over your resume. This personal touch can make a significant difference.

Tips for Getting a Café Job

If you aspire to be a barista but lack experience, consider taking a barista course at a local cultural center. These courses can provide you with the necessary skills and boost your resume, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

Special Job Opportunities

1. Au Pair

An Au Pair is a live-in babysitter who exchanges childcare services for accommodation, food, and pocket money. Note: this arrangement can vary greatly depending on the family. Before committing, make sure to discuss and clarify the following details:

  • Duration of Stay: How long do they need you?
  • Children’s Information: What are their ages, personalities, and how many children will you be caring for?
  • Working Hours: How many hours per week are expected?
  • Location: Is the job in a city or suburb?
  • Allowance: How much pocket money will you receive?
  • Additional Benefits: Are there any other perks besides accommodation and food?
  • Extra Hours Compensation: How much will you be paid for additional hours worked?

You can find Au Pair opportunities through Facebook groups or websites like Au Pair World. Ensure you thoroughly get to know the family and job conditions to avoid feeling isolated or overwhelmed.

Securing a job during your working holiday in Australia may require persistence and a proactive approach, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By obtaining the necessary certifications, leveraging various job search platforms, and considering unique employment opportunities, you can find a position that suits your skills and interests. Remember to remain flexible and open-minded throughout your job search, and don’t be afraid to try different methods to land the job you want. With the right preparation and determination, you’ll be able to enjoy a fulfilling and enriching working holiday in Australia.

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