UPDATE : KOREA NO LONGER USE VACCINE PASS. You can just neglect this information (which took me a few days to finish😢)
Can I check your vaccine pass? This question would be frequently asked in restaurants, cafes, cinemas and other public places in Korea. They will ask for proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test for entry, if you don’t have these, soon you will walk out with the face of this emoji>😅
Here is a definition of “vaccinated” in Korea
A person with 3rd vaccine shot(booster shot)
or who have been vaccinated 2nd shot for 14 days but less than 180 days. (If your vaccine is only one dose only, then it’s counted after the first shot in this case)
Okay Shai I can call myself “vaccinated” Congrats! Now you can tell my friend named “government” who has trust issue! For trusty, this is what government has devised. “COOV”
How to install COOV
On your phone, download “COOV” , you can bring your vaccination record from there. I’m sharing a guide provided by the government here👇
Summarized step
- download COOV
- Authenticate yourself
- There is two option for authenticating, option one is recommended if you don’t have any Korean bank account.
- once it is done, press “get issued” on top of the screen
- Now you can proudly prove you are vaccinated!
When COOV is not working
Huh? I am vaccinated but the record shows that I don’t have any! In that situation, you need thse process. To prove you already had a vaccine shot, you need certificate.
To get a certificate,
- Find the nearest public health center (enter 보건소 in the search box)
- Bring your ID card(passport is also fine)
- Certificate that can prove you are vaccinated.
With the process, you can get a confirmation of COVID-19 Vaccination, which can replace COOV app.
Ways to replace vaccine pass
You can be exempted from vaccine pass, but you need certification of underlying condition/disease. For ones with no vaccine pass, you need to have pcr test result everytime you enter somewhere it requires vaccine pass. Pcr test result expires within 48 hours. (if it expires during the day, it is validated until the midnight of the day. For example, if your pcr test result expires at 2pm, it is valid until midnight of that day)
Once you have installed COOV, you can just sweep it lightly to the scanner. With bell ringing “thee thing!”, you can proudly walk into the place, not walk of 😅. Hope this was help! See you soon!
Your friend, Shai
reference : https://ncv.kdca.go.kr/menu.es?mid=a12510000000